Planning & Zoning
There are certain development processes which require review not only by city staff but also by the Planning & Zoning Commission prior to a vote of the City Council.
The P&Z Commission serves as the recommendation board to the City Council.
For your reference, please see information about building codes and standards at the links below.
Select one of the other tabs above to learn more about the various planning & zoning processes your project may need to go through or to learn more about the commission and its meeting schedule, agendas, and minutes.
Codes & Standards
Rezone and Annexation Process
Typical Timeline:
Preparation Phase (Approx. 30 days)
- Application received for staff review and preparation for hearings
- Provide notice of hearing for publication in a local newspaper at least 15 days prior to public hearing
- Provide notice of hearing to all owners of real estate within 185 of subject
Hearing Phase (Approx. 20 days)
- Publicly held before Planning & Zoning Commission
- Planning & Zoning Commission makes Finding of Facts and recommendation
- First Reading of ordinance by City Council
- Second Reading of ordinance and final passage by City Council

Ready to start any P&Z process?
To apply for any planning & zoning process, you will need to set up an account in myNixa (BSA-online) before completing the application process in the myNixa portal. This will allow you to log-in to view the latest information regarding your project at any day or time.
Zoning & Special Use $250.00
Lot Split/Minor Subdivision $150.00
Annexation $500.00
Board of Adjustment $200.00
Vacation of Easement $100.00
Preliminary Plat $350.00 (plus $1.00 per lot)
Final Plat $200.00 (plus $1.00 per lot)
Planned Unit Development (PUD)
A Planned Unit Development (PUD) is a zoning and land use concept used in municipal planning and zoning that allows for flexibility and creativity in development projects. A PUD typically involves a planned community or mixed-use development that integrates a variety of land uses, such as residential, commercial, and recreational, within a single project. PUDs require a specific approval process involving a review of the proposed plans by the Development Department, public hearings, and a vote of approval by both the Planning & Zoning Commission and the City Council. Developers may need to go through the PUD process if their project deviates from the standard zoning regulations, and they seek to create a unique and customized development that meets the needs of the community and complies with local planning goals and policies.
If you are interested in establishing a PUD inside the city limits of Nixa, please contact the Planning & Development Department to discuss your plans and how we can assist you through this process.
Existing PUDs in Nixa
Planning & Zoning Commission Meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month beginning at 6 p.m. at City Hall.

Interested in serving on the Planning & Zoning Commission?
Complete the volunteer interest form to be considered for this public service position. When a position becomes available, the Mayor and City Council will review applications submitted before selecting the person they will appoint to serve on this commission or other boards/committees.