Council Bill #2023-36
Establishing and Levying Taxes on Real Property in the City for the 2023 Tax Year
2R Council Bill #2023-36
Council Bill #2023-37
Rezoning the Real Property Generally Located at 202 South Main Street From a Single-Family Residential (R-1) District to a Neighborhood Commercial (NC) District
2R Council Bill #2023-37
Council Bill #2023-38
Rezoning the Real Property Generally Located at the 1500 Block of North Owen Road From a Single-Family Residential (R-1) District to a Two-Family Residential (R-4) District
2R Council Bill #2023-38
Council Bill #2023-39
Approving the Preliminary Plat of the Subdivision Known as the Spence Amended Addition to Glen Oaks Estates Replat of Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, Spence Addition to Glen Oaks Estates Generally Located at the Northwest Corner of the Intersection of South Gregg Road and West Glen Oaks Drive and Authorizing Certain City Officials to Take Certain Actions Upon the Filing of a Final Plat
2R Council Bill #2023-39
Council Bill #2023-40
Amending Chapter 101, Article II, Division 2, Section 101-69 of the Nixa City Code to Modify the Number of Members of the Planning and Zoning Commission
2R Council Bill #2023-40
Council Bill #2023-41
Authorizing the City Administrator to Solicit Proposals for the Extension of Certain Sidewalks and Trails at McCauley Park
2R Council Bill #2023-41