Resolution #2021-113
Declaring the Results of the November 2, 2021, Special Election. Cindy Robbins, Assistant City Administrator and City Clerk, stated Kay Brown, Christian County Clerk, had certified the election results on November 5th. The final counts were 808 Yes Votes and 2,458 No Votes. Robbins stated that in accordance with the Home Rule Charter, Section 10.7 Results of Election if a majority of the qualified electors voting at a recall election shall vote against the proposition to remove an official, the official shall remain in office. Due to the No Votes having the majority, the Mayor would keep his office. Robbins stated that staff recommends approval of the resolution. Mayor Steele opened the public hearing for comments, with no comments made, the public hearing was closed. Mayor Steele called for a motion to approve the resolution. Graham made a motion to approve Resolution #2021-113 with Giddens seconding and all Council Members voting aye.
Resolution #2021-114
Amending the City’s Personnel Handbook by Modifying the Policies Related to Standby, Callout and Callback, and Vacation. Amanda Hunsucker, Human Resource Director, gave an overview of the callout/callback/standby portion of the City Personnel Handbook. Hunsucker said the change made to this section is the wording to make it more easily understandable for the employees. Next, Hunsucker gave an overview of the changes to the vacation portion of the City Personnel Handbook. Hunsucker said that the changes to this section would apply for newly hired Directors or appointed staff. The change would allow for these positions to have three (3) weeks of vacation on day one (1) of employment, and at their anniversary date, vacation would accrue at their normal three (3) week rate. Mayor Steele opened the public hearing.
Linda Thaut, 77 Stoneybrook Lane Clever, MO, questioned what would happen if the employee was hired, took a vacation, and then quit. Thaut asked if the employee would be paid out for any unused vacation time.
Hunsucker responded that the Personnel Handbook states that if the employee gives a two (2) week notice, the employee would be paid out for their sick and vacation time. Council held discussion. Mayor Steeled closed the public hearing. Mayor Steele called for a motion to approve the resolution. Lucas made a motion to approve Resolution #2021-114 with Giddens seconding and all Council Members voting aye.
Resolution #2021-115
Authorizing the City Administrator to Apply for and Accept a T-Mobile Hometown Grant to Fund the Replacement of the Rotary Park Pavilion. Matt Crouse, Parks Director, stated that during the 2022 budget process, funds were made available to replace the Rotary Park Pavilion. Crouse said that after the budget discussion, this grant was discovered, and he would be applying for $30,000 to go towards that replacement of the pavilion. Council asked questions regarding if there would be requirements to rename the pavilion. Crouse answered that there were not any renaming requirements in the grant. Crouse did state there would need to be five (5) letters of support that would need to be turned in as a part of the grant. Mayor Steele opened the public hearing for comments, with no comments made, the public hearing was closed. Mayor Steele called for a motion to approve the resolution. Peterson made a motion to approve Resolution #2021-115 with Orf seconding and all Council Members voting aye.
Resolution #2021-116
Authorizing the City Administrator to Execute an Agreement with the Missouri Department of Social Services to Allow the City to Participate in the Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program. Evans stated that currently, the City participates in the low-income assistance electric program, and the Federal Government just rolled out a low-income assistance program for water. The assistance provided for electric would be a one (1) time $750 max payout for a family that could be spread over the year. Evans said that O.C.A.C administers this program. Council asked if citizens would apply through O.C.A.C. for the assistance, to which Evans responded yes. Mayor Steele opened the public hearing for comments, with no comments made, the public hearing was closed. Mayor Steele asked for a motion to approve the resolution. Hoogstraet made a motion to approve Resolution #2021-116 with Graham seconding and all Council Members voting aye.
Resolution #2021-117
Authorizing the City Administrator to Execute Several Agreements Related to Sharing the Cost of the Truman Boulevard Public Improvement Project. Travis Cossey, Assistant Public Works Director, stated this resolution that would authorize the City to accept funds from two (2) different property owners that will be affected by the Truman Boulevard Public Improvement Project. Cossey said that by accepting these funds, the City’s contribution would drop from 20% to 10% of the project costs. Cossey stated that if Council approves the resolution, the City would be accepting $104,031.53 from Stu Stinger and $150,000.00 from Darrell Henley. Mayor Steele opened the public hearing for comments, with no comments made, the public hearing was closed. Mayor Steele called for a motion to approve the resolution. Peterson made a motion to approve Resolution #2021-117 with Giddens seconding and all Council Members voting aye.