Council Bill #2022-051
Amending the 2022 Annual Budget to Appropriate Funds for the Scoping for a Police Department Expansion. Campbell stated this council bill was first (1st) read on May 9th. Campbell told Council this council bill would provide options for an expansion or remodel to the police department and the design options would be coming from Insight Design. Campbell stated the budget amendment would be for $20,000. Mayor Steele opened the public hearing for comments, with no comments made the public hearing was closed. Mayor Steele called a motion to approve the council bill. Giddens made a motion to approve Council Bill #2022-051 with Peterson seconding and Giddens, Peterson, Graham, Hoogstraet, Lucas, and Orf voting aye on roll call vote.
Council Bill #2022-052
Authorizing the City Administrator to Execute Contracts with Southwest Power Pool and Southwestern Power Administration for the Provisions of Electric Transmission Services in the City. Doug Colvin, Assistant City Administrator and Public Works Director, stated these two (2) agreements are renewals and updates to existing agreements with new expiration dates of June 2030. Colvin said the Southwest Power Pool (SPP) agreement is the standard transmission agreement and the Southwestern Power Administration (SWPA) is an agreement between the City of Nixa and SPP. Mayor Steele opened the public hearing for comments, with no comments made the public hearing was closed. Mayor Steele called for a motion to approve the council bill. Hoogstraet made a motion to approve Council Bill #2022-052 with Graham seconding and Peterson, Graham, Hoogstraet, Lucas, Orf, and Giddens all voting aye on roll call vote.
Council Bill #2022-053
Amending the 2022 Annual Budget to Reflect Several Adjustments to the Utility Department Funds. Colvin stated this council bill was first (1st) read on May 9th. Colvin stated the purchase of the RDE Water System and the Tuscany Hills Water System is what prompted the need for a budget amendment. Colvin stated there is also a budget amendment need for the electric department for increased materials cost. Colvin said the electric department budget amendment would be $285,700 the water department budget amendment would be $4,142,177 and the wastewater budget amendment would be $385,107. Mayor Steele opened the public hearing for comments, with no comments made the public hearing was closed. Mayor Steele called for a motion to approve the council bill. Giddens made a motion to approve Council Bill #2022-053 with Lucas seconding and Graham, Hoogstraet, Lucas, Orf, Giddens, and Peterson voting aye on roll call vote.
Council Bill #2022-054
Rezoning the Real Property Generally Located Along the 900 Block of East Mount Vernon Street From the R-1 Residential District to the General Commercial District. Robbins stated this council bill was first (1st) read on May 9th. Robbins stated the property is vacant, the proposed land use is consistent for the area, Mount Vernon is sufficient to support the proposed land use, and utilities are available but the access to water is a concern. Robbins stated the rezone failed at the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting due to a lack of second on a motion. Mayor Steele opened the public hearing for comments.
Ron Sanders, 976 Glen Oaks Dr., attended the last meeting where citizens spoke against this rezone. Sanders commented he hopes Council will vote no on the rezone.
Derek Bodendorfer, 255 Shangri-La, asked Council to leave the property zoned R-1. Bodendorfer asked who he would need to speak to so that the neighbors would not need to go through this rezoning issue on this property again. Bodendorfer also asked if the City could be interested in purchasing the property. Jimmy Liles, City Administrator, told Bodendorfer he could come speak with him.
Joe Green, 168 Shangri-La, stated he is concerned with traffic in that area and said there is no other commercial properties in that area.
Leslie Dye, 201 Shangri-La, stated there is no other commercial property in the area. Dye asked that council keep the zoning as R-1 as there are already covenants for that lot to have a single family home built.
With no further comments made the public hearing was closed. Council stated that commercial traffic would not be good at that location. Mayor Steele called for a motion to approve the council bill. Giddens made a motion to approve with Lucas seconding and Hoogstraet, Lucas, Orf, Giddens, Peterson, and Graham voting nay on roll call vote. Council Bill #2022-054 did not pass.
Council Bill #2022-055
Rezoning the Real Property Generally Located Along the 400 Block of East Mount Vernon Street From the R-1 Residential District and the Neighborhood Commercial District to the General Commercial District. Robbins stated the first (1st) read of this council bill was on May 9th. Robbins stated the property is located at the corner of East Mount Vernon and Market Street. Robbins said the property is vacant, with the proposed land use consistent with the area, Highway 14 has sufficient capacity to handle the proposed rezoning, and utilities are immediately available. Robbins stated that the Planning and Zoning Commission passed the rezone unanimously. Mayor Steele opened the public hearing for comments, with no comments made the public hearing was closed. Mayor Steele called for a motion to approve the council bill. Lucas made a motion to approve Council Bill #2022-055 with Orf seconding and Lucas, Orf, Giddens, Peterson, Graham, and Hoogstraet all voting aye on roll call vote.
Council Bill #2022-056
Amending Chapter 105 of the Nixa City Code to Add Provisions Related to the Protection and Preservation of Karst Features. Robbins stated the first (1st) reading of this council bill was on May 9th. Robbins stated the city has regulated the development around sinkholes for many years. Robbins stated this council bill will modify marginal sinkhole development. Robbins stated that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval. Mayor Steele opened the public hearing for comments, with no comments made the public hearing was closed. Mayor Steele called for a motion to approve the council bill. Giddens made a motion to approve Council Bill #2022-056 with Person seconding and Orf, Giddens, Peterson, Graham, Hoogstraet, and Lucas all voting aye on roll call vote.
Council Bill #2022-057
Amending the 2022 Annual Budget to Appropriate Funds for Design Services for Parks Facilities. Matt Crouse, Parks Director, stated this council bill was first (1st) read on May 9th. Crouse stated the budget amendment would be $40,000. Crouse stated the parks department participation has grown and the facilities are starting to be maxed out. Mayor Steele opened the public hearing, with no comments made the public hearing was closed. Mayor Steele called for a motion to approve the council bill. Hoogstraet made a motion to approve Council Bill #2022-057 with Graham seconding and Giddens, Peterson, Graham, Hoogstraet, Lucas, and Orf all voting aye on roll call vote.