Council Bill #2021-071
Accepting the bid of BuildTec Construction, Inc. for the Well House #1 Improvement Project and Authorizing the City Administrator to Execute a Contract for Same was presented. Assistant Public Works Director Travis Cossey explained the bid award and contract authorization with BuildTec Construction, Inc. for the demolition and construction for Well House #1. The well house #1 is located at 209 St. Louis St. and is in extreme disrepair. The well house contains the original 25,000-gallon ground storage tank that served the City until construction of Tower #1 on the property 1961/62. The structure has deteriorated to where the roof of the structure is being supported by the original storage tank. The contractor will be responsible for demo and removal of the existing building and storage tank along with the construction of a new well house. The new well house will be constructed to include a disinfection room to accommodate the City’s chlorine and fluoride injection programs. The construction project is identified in the 2021 CIP for $400,000.00. The City received three (3) bids ranging from $324,000.00 to $397,332.00. The low bidder, BuildTec Construction provided a bid that was under the budgeted amount. Staff recommends awarding the contract to BuildTec Construction to authorize demo and construction of a new well house at Well #1. Mayor Steele opened the public hearing for comments, no comments were made, and the public hearing was closed. Mayor Steele called for a motion to approve, and all Council members voted aye. Lucas made a motion to approve Council Bill #2021-071 with Hoogstraet seconding and Orf, Peterson, Graham, Hoogstraet and Lucas voting aye on roll call vote.
Council Bill #2021-073
Calling for Special Election on November 2, 2021, to Submit to the Qualified Voters of the City the Question of Whether to Recall Mayor Brian Steele, Authorizing the City Clerk to Do All Things Necessary or Convenient to Submit Said Question; and Amending the 2021 Annual Budget to Provide Funding for Said Special Election was presented. Robbins explained the final reading of Council Bill #2021-073 for an election to recall Mayor Brian Steele. In addition, the ordinance includes a request for a budget amendment of $15,000.00 for anticipated costs for the election. The amount requested is based on the election from April 2021. If the costs exceed the requested $15,000.00 another budget amendment will be requested to cover the costs. If the ordinance is approved, Robbins will send the ballot information to Christian County because the certification deadline for the November election is August 24, 2021. Mayor Steele asked if there are funds budgeted for the ballot initiative. Liles stated it would be an educational campaign for the public to inform them of the ballot initiative and that can be done via social media. Public Information Officer Drew Douglas explained he has budgeted $1,000.00 that can be used for printing or purchasing Facebook ads to assist in educating the public. Mayor Steele opened the public hearing for comments, no comments were made, and the public hearing was closed. Mayor Steele called for a motion to approve, and all Council members voted aye. Orf made a motion to approve Council Bill #2021-073 with Peterson seconding and Peterson, Graham, Hoogstraet, Lucas and Orf voting aye on roll call vote.
Council Bill #2021-074
Amending the 2021 Annual Budget to Appropriate Funding for Fence Portion of the City’s Dog Park Project was presented. Crouse reviewed the request for a budget amendment for funds needed to complete the fencing at the dog park. During the 2021 budget preparations the carry over funds had been allocated for the dog park creations were left off. These are funds needed to complete the fencing at the dog park. Four (4) quotes were received for the project and a requested budget amendment in the amount of $45,925.00 to award Diamond Fence, LLC. with this project. Mayor Steele asked for a proposed date to open, Crouse stated it could be September or October, and weather could play a part in delays. Mayor Steele opened the public hearing for comments, no comments were made the public hearing was closed. Mayor Steele called for a motion to approve, and all Council members voted aye. Lucas made a motion to approve Council Bill #2021-074 with Graham seconding and Hoogstraet, Lucas, Orf, Peterson and Graham voting aye on roll call vote.
Council Bill #2021-075
Accepting the Bid of K&B Equipment, LLC for the Adjustment of Certain Sewer Utility Access Points; Authorizing the City Administrator to Execute a Contract for Same; and Amending the 2021 Annual Budget to Provide Funding for Same was presented. Cossey explained this ordinance is for a bid award and contract authorization to provide sewer capacity upgrades. Approval would authorize expenditures of funds needed to adjust sewer manhole heights along the East Highway 14 corridor for MoDOT’s highway improvements. The need to adjust the manholes was not known during the preparation of the 2021 budget and so it was not included as a CIP request. During the final preparation of the Highway 14 expansion MoDOT brought the issue to the City’s attention. The low bidder K&B Equipment is currently working on the waterline relocation project on Highway 14. To proceed with the project staff is requesting a budget amendment for $60,000.00 along with the bid award to move forward with the improvements to K&B Equipment. Mayor Steele opened the public hearing for comments, no comments were made, and the public hearing was closed. Mayor Steele called for a motion to approve, and all Council members voted aye. Lucas made a motion to approve Council Bill #2021-075 with Graham seconding and Hoogstraet, Lucas, Orf, Peterson and Graham voting aye on roll call vote.
Council Bill #2021-076
Amending the 2021 Annual Budget to Appropriate Funding for an Outstanding Invoice for Maintenance Work on Water Tower #5 was presented. Assistant City Administrator/Public Works Director Doug Colvin reviewed the history of the maintenance work on Tower #5. In April of 2014 the City solicited bids to complete maintenance and inspection work for Water Tower #5. Utility Services Co. was awarded the bid to complete interior inspection, painting and touch up on the rest of the tower. The contractor completed the work, left the job site but failed to meet the standards the City expects. City crews had to follow up with cleanup such as removing a sand pile left from sandblasting the interior bowl and other job site cleanups. In addition, the Utility Services Co. did not provide an inspection report as required by the contract specifications or an invoice for the work completed. In October 2015 Milton Dickensheet former Water Quality Superintendent had numerous conversations and emailed with the company asking for the report and final invoice in the amount of $43,340.00. Dickensheet also sent a certified letter requesting the report and final invoice. The City carried the funds in the 2015 budget anticipating closure of the project and receipt of the invoice and report, neither of these happened. May 4, 2021, the City received a request from USC for final payment of the outstanding invoice. USC finally sent an invoice dated October 2015 with an after the fact report. The report does not meet the requirements originally set, but the City has been advised to make the payment. Due to this not being carried over in the budget since 2015, staff is requesting a budget amendment for the invoice to close out the file. Hoogstraet asked if an explanation was provided as to why it has taken seven (7) years to receive a bill. Mayor Steele opened the public hearing for comments, no comments were made, and the public hearing was closed. Mayor Steele called for a motion to approve, and all Council members voted aye. Peterson made a motion to approve Council Bill #2021-076 with Hoogstraet seconding and Lucas, Orf, Peterson, Graham and Hoogstraet voting aye on roll call vote.