2045 Comprehensive Plan

What is a comprehensive plan, and why should it matter to me?
At its core, a comprehensive plan is a vision for the future of a community. Comprehensive plans are created by and for the community to record shared goals and desires that determine what their city will look like and how it will function in the future.
A comprehensive plan examines what a community is, where it came from, and crafts a coordinated road map for the next 10 to 20 years and can be revisited to ensure its relevance.
Comprehensive plans are not zoning; they are policy documents that focus on topics like land use, transportation, parks and recreation, economic development, and more.
Nixa 2045 Announcement Video from City Of Nixa on Vimeo.
- Understand Nixa’s current state and its existing conditions.
- Prioritise policies, actions, and resources to achieve the Plan’s vision.
- Gather feedback from the people that know and love Nixa best – that’s YOU!
- Build consensus around the vision for Nixa’s future.
- Determine future land uses, economic development strategies, and transportation improvements to implement in the short-term and long-term.
- Prioritize policies, actions, and resources to achieve the Plan’s vision.
The planning process will take approximately ten months and consist of five primary phases: from Discover, where a baseline understanding of Nixa is developed; to Engage where the community shares their voice; to Plan and Refine when the actual road map for the future of topics like development, connectivity, and housing are recorded; to Implement when the new comprehensive plan is put to work!
In this phase, an existing conditions and economic and market analysis will be performed to better understand Nixa’s current state. It will help the project team, the project stakeholders, and the public to better understand Nixa’s strengths and opportunities for improvement.
This phase is the longest phase, spanning the entire project cycle from beginning to end. There will be several public engagement events and stakeholder meetings. This is a crucial step in gathering key information from the people that know and love Nixa best!
After examining the city’s current state and gathering feedback from community members, the project team will start to form the draft Plan. This phase will articulate initial recommendations for goals, policies, and strategies to help Nixa realize its vision; all of which will be supported by the data and community feedback received during the first two phases.
As with anything, there are likely to be edits to the first draft of the Plan! Here is where the project team builds consensus on the future vision for Nixa.
The final phase of this process will be the long-term implementation of the Plan’s strategies and goals.

Draft Plan Review Period
The Draft Plan Review Period is now closed.
Thank you to everyone who provided their feedback on the draft Plan!
Check back here for project downloads!
Questions or Comments?
Do you have questions or comments about the planning process for Nixa 2045? Please reach out – we would be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Scott Godbey
Director of Planning and Development
City of Nixa
TEL: 417-725-5850
EMAIL: sgodbey@nixa.com
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