Share Your Ideas & Suggestions With Us
We believe a great idea can come from anyone. Please share your ideas and suggestions for how we can improve the municipal government and Nixa community using the form below.
Be sure to check out our 5-year strategic plan to review the ideas submitted by the Nixa community and prioritized by a panel of citizens which were adopted by City Council and which staff are now working to achieve.
I Have An Idea
Please use this form to share your ideas for how we can improve our community and municipal government. Every 5 years, the city engages the public in a strategic planning exercise in which we develop a vision for which priorities the city should work on improving over the next 5 years. Check out our latest strategic plan! (Link to strategic plan page) Although we're already hard at work on this plan, we're still open to new ideas! We believe great ideas can come from anywhere. Please submit your ideas now (maybe its an easy improvement we could make quickly), and even if it's not feasible for us right now, we can consider prioritizing it in the next 5 year plan.Please describe your idea or suggestion and be sure to provide as much detail as possible for what you envision for how we can improve our community and municipal government. Some things to consider addressing when explaining your idea include: What problems can your idea help us solve? Is it feasible for implementation? Does your idea align with our community values? Will your idea have broad community support?
Max. file size: 100 MB.
If you have an example image of the problem your idea would address or an example of what a solution could look like, please attach a high-resolution image of it as a .jpg, .png, or .pdf file.
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