Council Bill #2022-021
Annexing Approximately 5 Acres of Real Property Generally Located at 617 South Harrison Street; Zoning Said Property to the R-5 Zoning District; and Amending Chapter 2, Article II of the Nixa City Code. Garrett Tyson, Planning and Development Director, stated that this ordinance is to allow the annexation of 617 South Harrison Street. Tyson said the property would be zoned R-5 multi-family district. Tyson stated that this district would allow for medium-density housing, with each housing unit having its own ground floor entrance. Tyson told Council that the Planning and Zoning Commission and staff recommend approval. Mayor St ele opened the public hearing for comments, with no comments made, the public hearing was closed. Mayor Steele called for a motion to approve the ordinance. Orf made a motion to approve Ordinance #2022-021 with Hoogstraet seconding and Peterson, Graham, Hoogstraet, Lucas, and Orf voting aye on roll call vote.
Council Bill #2022-022
Granting Special Use Permit 22-001 to Authorize a Bar, with Restaurant, Use for the Neighborhood Commercial Zone Property Located at I 05 West Sherman Way, Suite IO1. Tyson stated that a bar with a restaurant was not allowed at I05 West Sherman Way, Suite IO I, without a special use permit. Tyson stated that the current district, although labeled a neighborhood commercial district, it is more of a commercial district, and the special use permit at this location is appropriate. Tyson said the Planning and Zoning Commission and staff recommend approval. Mayor Steele opened the public hearing for comments, with no comments made, the public hearing was closed. Mayor Steele called for a motion to approve the ordinance. Lucas made a motion to approve Ordinance #2022-022 with Orf seconding and Peterson, Graham, Hoogstraet, Lucas, and Orf voting aye on roll call vote.
Council Bill #2022-023
Granting Special Use Permit 22-002 to Authorize a Short Term Residential Rental Use for the Single-Family Zoned Property Located at 605 South Bradford Avenue. Tyson stated that a short-term rental, better known as an air b-n-b, would not be allowed in this residential district without a special use permit. Tyson said the applicant had met all the requirements for a short-term rental, and the Planning and Zoning Commission and staff recommend approval. Mayor Steele opened the public hearing for comments, with no comments made, the public hearing was closed. Mayor Steele called for a motion to approve the ordinance. Peterson made a motion to approve Ordinance #2022-023 with Orf seconding and Graham, Hoogstraet, Lucas, Orf, and Peterson voting aye on roll call vote.
Council Bill #2022-024
Amending the 2022 Annual Budget to Appropriate Funds for the Purchase of a Floor Burnisher for the Parks Department. Matt Crouse, Parks Director, stated this ordinance was for a budget amendment for $7,500 for a new floor burnisher for the parks department. Crouse said the current burnisher is from the early 2000s and has broken down and needs replaced. Mayor Steele opened the public hearing for comments, with no comments made, the public hearing was closed. Mayor Steele called for a motion to approve the ordinance. Hoogstraet made a motion to approve Ordinance #2022-024 with Graham seconding and Hoogstraet, Lucas, Orf, Peterson, and Graham voting aye on roll call vote.
Council Bill #2022-025
Authorizing the Mayor to Execute an Asset Purchase Agreement with Rex Deffenderfer Enterprises, Inc. for the Acquisition of a Certain Water System. Liles stated he would be presenting information on this ordinance tonight. Liles said that the asset purchase agreement for the ROE Water system would be $2.5 million, and the asset purchase agreement for Tuscany Hills would be $500,000. Liles told Council that if they approved this ordinance, approvals from the agencies that currently oversee these systems would be needed before the sale could proceed. Liles said closing on both systems would be 60 days after the approvals happened. Liles stated that staff would come back to Council with utility rates before the actual closings. Mayor Steele opened the public hearing for comments.
Chris Russell, Nixa Chamber of Commerce Director, said he was very excited about this purchase. Russell stated he had never seen a better opportunity for growth that would impact economic development.
With no further comments, the public hearing was closed. Mayor Steele called for a motion to approve the ordinance. Orf made a motion to approve Ordinance #2022-025 with Peterson seconding and Lucas, Orf, Peterson, Graham, and Hoogstraet voting aye on roll call vote.
Council Bill #2022-026
Authorizing the Mayor to Execute an Asset Purchase Agreement with the Tuscany Hills Regional Sewer District, Inc. for the Acquisition of Certain Sewer and Water Systems. Liles stated that the information for this ordinance was presented in the previous bill. Mayor Steele opened the public hearing for comments, with no comments made, the public hearing was closed. Mayor Steele called for a motion to approve the ordinance. Graham made a motion to approve Ordinance #2022-026 with Hoogstraet seconding and Orf, Peterson, Graham Hoogstraet, and Lucas voting aye on roll call vote.