Council Bill #2022-021
Annexing Approximately 5 Acres of Real Property Generally Located at 617 South Harrison Street; Zoning Said Property to the R-5 Zoning District; and Amending Chapter 2, Article II of the Nixa City Code. Garrett Tyson, Planning and Development Director, stated that this ordinance was to annex 617 S. Harrison. Tyson said this property did not currently have access to any of the City Utilities but had the availability to them and that the current easements would not be affected by the annexation or zoning. Tyson said there were questions if an extension of Harrison Street would be necessary to allow access to this property and that it wouldn't be necessary due to a sinkhole and the expense of developing a street. Tyson said that this property has street access by South Street. Tyson said that the zoning for this property would be R-5 multi-family units, which allows 8.71 units per acre. Tyson stated that each unit would be required to have its own separate ground floor entrance. Tyson told Council that an opaque screen would be required for this property. Council asked if the property owner had given any details about what they would be doing with the property. Mayor Steele opened the public hearing for comments.
Ron Sanders, 976 Glen Oaks Dr., asked when the County Integrity Map receives it data from the City. Tyson gave an overview of the City process for getting information to the County.
With no further comments, Mayor Steele closed the public hearing. Council held further discussion.
Council Bill #2022-022
Granting Special Use Permit 22-001 to Authorize a Bar, with Restaurant, Use for the Neighborhood Commercial Zoned Property Located at 105 West Sherman Way, Suite 101. Tyson provided information on Special Use Permits and the process to approve those permits. Tyson said that a bar with restaurant is only allowed within the neighborhood commercial district under certain conditions. The current district is more of a commercial district, and the location is appropriate for this special use permit. Tyson stated that staff and Planning and Zoning Commission recommend approval. Council held a discussion about the potential of changing the Special Use Permit requirements. Mayor Steele opened the public hearing for comments, with no comments made the public hearing was closed.
Council Bill #2022-023
Granting Special Use Permit 22-002 to Authorize a Short-Term Residential Rental Use for the Single-Family Zone Property Located at 605 South Bradford Avenue. Tyson stated that this special use permit is for land use, typically in a commercial zone area but happens in a single-family home. Tyson gave an overview of the requirements for a short-term rental and stated that this application met those requirements. Tyson said that staff and the Planning and Zoning commission recommend approval. Council held a discussion about rental properties within the City Limits. Mayor Steele opened the public hearing for comments.
Ron Sanders, 976 Glen Oaks Dr., asked if this home was in an established HOA, with staff responding that there was no HOA in the neighborhood. Sanders next asked if this was going to be an Air B-n-B, with staff responding yes it would.
With no further comments, Mayor Steele closed the public hearing for comments.
Council Bill #2022-024
Amending the 2022 annual Budget to Appropriate Funds for the Purchase of a Floor Burnisher for the Parks Department. Matt Crouse, Parks Director, stated during the 2022 budget process, the floor burnisher was identified as equipment that needed to be replaced but was inadvertently left out. Crouse said that the equipment is 20 years old and has reached the end of its life. Crouse stated that the budget amendment would be for $7,500. Mayor Steele opened with public hearing for comments, with no comments made the public hearing was closed.
Council Bill #2022-025
Authorizing the Mayor to Execute an Asset Purchase Agreement with Rex Deffenderfer Enterprises, Inc. for the Acquisition of a Certain Water System. Doug Colvin, Assistant City Administrator and Public Works Director, stated that a presentation was given at the October 25th Council Meeting about the possible acquisition of the ROE Water Company and the Tuscany Hills Water and Sewer systems. Colvin stated that an asset purchase agreement (APA) is like a contract to close on a home and would be needed to acquire both systems. Colvin stated that the APA for ROE Water would have a purchase cost of$2,500,000. Colvin said the purchase price includes two (2) wells with a current production capacity of 870 gallons per minute, one (I) 250,000-gallon ground storage tank with booster pumps and well located on two (2) parcels totaling 29,055 square feet, one (I) 47,000-gallon standpipe tower and well located on 7,500 square foot parcel, 28.5 miles of water mains with 72 fire hydrants, and I,072 residential customers, 66 commercial customers and a single 4" mater meter servicing English Village. Next, Colvin discussed the APA for the Tuscany Hills system. Colvin said this APA would have a purchase cost of $500,000. Colvin stated this purchase price includes one (1) well and 60,000-gallon standpipe located on a 10,434 square foot parcel, water line infrastructure with water mains serving 87 residential and three (3) commercial customers, a sand filtration sewer treatment facility located on a 66,092 square foot parcel, and one (I) lift station with sewer mains serving 87 residential customers, three (3) commercial customers, and a church. Colvin stated that both systems would provide a benefit to the City. Colvin said that benefits could include water/sewer service at the future Eoff Park and any development at the north part of Nixa. Colvin told Council that initial discussions with the agencies that have oversight of these systems have been productive. Colvin said budget amendments would be needed for these purchases. Colvin said that staff recommends the approval of both Council Bills #2022-025 and #2022-026. Council held a discussion and asked questions of staff, with staff responding. Mayor Steele opened the public hearing for comments, with no comments made the public hearing was closed.
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Council Bill #2022-026
Authorizing the Mayor to Execute an Asset Purchase Agreement with the Tuscany Hills Regional Sewer District, Inc. for the Acquisition of Certain Sewer and Water Systems. Colvin stated that the information for this bill was presented in the previous bill. Mayor Steele opened the public hearing for comments, with no comments made the public hearing was closed.