Council Bill #2022-111
Calling an Election to be Held on April 4, 2023, to Submit to the Qualified Voters of the City Several Proposed Amendments to the City Charter; Authorizing the City Clerk to do All things Necessary and Convenient to Submit the Proposed Amendments to the Qualified Voters of the City; and Providing for the Enactment of Said Amendments If Approved
Council Bill #2022-111
Council Bill #2022-112
Renewing the Base Lease Agreement for Real Estate and Existing Facilities with the Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. for Refunding Certificates of Participation Series 2013
Council Bill #2022-112
Council Bill #2022-113
Renewing the Lease for Facilities Financed Through the Public Building Corporation of Nixa, Missouri
Council Bill #2022-113
Council Bill #2022-114
Rezoning the Real Property Generally Located at 300 Block of South Market Street From a Single-Family Residential (R-1) District to a High-Density Multi-Family (r-3) Residential District
Council Bill #2022-114
Council Bill #2022-115
Amending Chapter 117, Article IV, Section 117-99 by Removing Self Storage Land Uses as Permitted From Commercial Districts
Council Bill #2022-115