Stormwater Advisory Committee

Volunteer Opportunity:
Rain water collects a variety of pollutants as it runs downhill to our streams, rivers and lakes (even our drinking water). To help the city think of ways to reduce pollution of our local water, consider volunteering for the Nixa Stormwater Advisory Committee.
The committee will be meeting over the course of a year to evaluate and update the city’s stormwater management plan.
The city is required to update this plan periodically by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, and it is all about reducing pollution in stormwater (flooding issues are addressed separately).
If interested, contact Nate Miller at Nixa Public Works: 417-725-2353
What is the Stormwater Advisory Committee?
Nixa’s Stormwater Advisory Committee was first established in 2018. It is a group of up to 8 citizen volunteers and 3 city staff who meet twice annually to address stormwater quality issues. The committee is part of Nixa’s Stormwater Management Plan.
Why does this committee exist?
As a permitted small MS4 (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System) the City of Nixa is required by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Missouri Department of Natural Resources to develop and implement a Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP).
The city is required to address 6 Minimum Control Measures (MCMs) within the SWMP. One such MCM is Public Involvement and Participation.
In order to achieve compliance with permit requirements, in August 2018, the City of Nixa began soliciting for community-minded diverse individuals who are interested in serving on a Citizen Volunteer Stormwater Advisory Committee.
Though the City does have areas that are prone to localized flooding issues and those are very much a concern which we take seriously, this committee primarily addresses stormwater quality issues rather than stormwater quantity issues.
The City believes that the public can provide valuable input and assistance to our SWMP. It is imperative that the public be given every opportunity to play an active role in the development, implementation and ongoing evolution of the SWMP program as a whole.
Participants of the committee are asked to serve a minimum 1-year term.
This committee will meet once in 2024, then twice a year in 2025 through 2026. Annually, each Stormwater Committee member will be asked to complete a survey to allow the City to evaluate the effectiveness of the committee.
Diverse volunteers must be drawn from the following target demographics:
- Citizens/Residents (must live in city limits)
- Property owners
- Renters
- Professional Organizations
- Stormwater
- Civil Engineer
- Environmental
- Business
- Small, locally owned, etc.
- Commercial including restaurants or retail
- Industrial
- Other Professionals
- Health and Medical
- Construction
- Non-profit