Residential Service

Request Utilities Service for Rental Property

Complete and submit this form to set up new Nixa Utilities services at your residence.

Property/Service Information

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Must have 1 full business day notice
Service Address
Location to Receive Utility Services
Property is owned or rented?(Required)
Is this address newly constructed? (No previous resident)(Required)
Does this address have an irrigation system?(Required)
Does this address require gas service?(Required)

Nixa Utilities does not provide gas service. Please call Spire Energy to set up gas service: 1-800-582-1234.

Customer Information:

Full Name(Required)

If you opt-in for the Nixa e-Newsletter, we will send you a “Welcome to Nixa” email with info about our community (designed especially for anyone new to Nixa) and you will also begin to receive the official monthly email newsletter of the City of Nixa with information about upcoming events, important alerts, and other updates about your local government and community. -We also recommend you download the Smart911 app to sign up for emergency alerts to your phone or email. This service is provided free of charge by the Christian County office of emergency management.
Opt-In for Nixa e-Newsletter(Required)
Have you ever had service with Nixa Utilities before(Required)
Previous Service Address
Full Mailing Address (if different from service address)
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, Max. file size: 10 MB, Max. files: 2.
    MM slash DD slash YYYY
    Must be over 18
    Emergency Contact

    Complete the following for anyone over 18 years old living at the service address other than the applicant.

    Adult Resident 2
    Adult Resident 3
    Adult Resident 4

    Conditions of Service

    1. Applicant will complete the above information in full and comply with and be bound by the rules and regulations of City of Nixa. 2. Disclosure of falsified application will be reason for discontinuation of service and additional deposit. 3. Nixa City Utilities or its third-party collectors will have the right to contact the customer’s employer for the purpose of collecting unpaid bills. The customer will pay all expenses, including reasonable attorney’s fees associated with collection of utility bills. 4. The customer will not be allowed to obtain utility service under a different or new applicant unless all delinquent accounts of the applicant(s) are brought current. 5. The customer may terminate the service obtained under this application by appearing at the office of Nixa City Utilities or by telephone upon furnishing Nixa City Utilities requested information. 6. Only persons listed on this application will be allowed to arrange disconnection, reconnection, or termination of service. 7. Customers that tamper with their meter and/or receive service without the City’s permission will be prosecuted.

    I have read the above stated conditions of service and request utility service under those conditions. I understand that by typing below in the “Digital Signature” field, I am digitally signing this document. My submission is not complete until I click “Submit” at the bottom of this form.
    This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.