Letter from the Mayor: March 2023
Letter from the Mayor: March 2023
February 22, 2023

As Mayor, I believe that the most pressing issue facing our city is the need for additional police funding. Nixa has always been a safe and friendly community, but recent events across the country and our region have shown that we need to do more to ensure the safety of our citizens.
Over the past few years, we have seen an increase in crime in our area. From petty theft to more serious offenses, these incidents have shaken the sense of security that our citizens have come to expect in southwest Missouri. The Nixa Police Department has done an excellent job of responding to these changes and keeping our community safe, but they need more resources to continue to be effective.
One of the major challenges that our police department faces is staffing. We simply do not have enough police officers to cover the entire city and the calls for service our department receives. Our officers are doing their best to respond to calls and investigate crimes, but they are stretched thin. This can lead to longer response times, a decreased ability to prevent crime and more turnover from officer burnout.
Another challenge that our police department faces is the need for updated facilities. The current police department facility was built for a city of less than 12,000 people and 20 officers – we are now near 25,000 residents and have 42 full-time officers. Our officers also need space to store evidence – especially secure storage for narcotics and firearms – and a facility designed to protect them and help them do their jobs more effectively. Without these resources, our officers are at a disadvantage when it comes to keeping our city safe.
To address these issues, we need to invest in additional police funding. This funding will help us hire more officers and provide them with the resources they need to do their jobs effectively. By increasing the size of our police force, we can keep our fast response times and increase our ability to prevent crime.
Some may argue that increasing police funding is unnecessary or too expensive. However, the safety and security of our citizens is not something that we can put a price on. Investing in our police department is an investment in the well-being of our community.
In conclusion, the need for additional police funding in Nixa is critical. As Mayor, I am committed to working with our city council and community leaders to identify ways to increase police funding and provide our officers with the resources they need to keep our citizens safe. However, no amount of penny-pinching will afford us the number of officers we need to add to the force, nor could it afford the construction of a new headquarters.
This is why we brought voters an opportunity to vote on a proposed ¾ cent increase to the city’s general sales tax. If approved by voters, every penny of that increase would go to the Nixa Police Department. By investing in our police department, we can keep the high quality of life in our community and ensure that Nixa remains a safe and welcoming place for all.
Mayor Brian Steele