Bio Solids

Do you have farmland which needs moisture and nutrients like phosphorous?
The Nixa wastewater department is looking for land application sites for biosolids. We provide land application of biosolids as a free service. This can help reduce how much phosphorus fertilizer is needed for farmland and can provide some moisture in the later summer months. If you have land and are interested in biosolids for your fields, please contact the Nixa Wastewater Department at 417-725-7117.
How do you receive biosolids from the Nixa Wastewater Treatment Facility?
If you are interested in acquiring biosolids to apply to your property, staff from the Nixa Wastewater Treatment Facility will survey your property and the lay of the land to determine access point and where biosolids can be applied.
You and a city representative will then be asked to sign an acknowledgment form, which outlines the requirements of both parties. This is not a contract, but it will specify details, such as buffer zones and how long to wait before cutting hay or grazing livestock.
The city will take a soil sample for our own records and provide the results to you, the landowner. We are then ready to apply biosolids to your property.
Who qualifies to receive biosolids in the area?
Due to state and federal regulations, your property acquiring biosolids must be within 20 miles of our facility. Anywhere over 20 miles away from our facility is not economically feasible for us to travel to.
What is the cost for biosolids?
Biosolids are FREE to the landowner! If the entrance to your property is overgrown, we may ask you to trim it back so our trucks can enter.
What nutrients do biosolids provide for the soil?
Biosolids provide valuable nutrients and organic matter beneficial to growing pants and improving soil. The main nutrients in biosolids are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. The highest nutrient concentrations being phosphorus and nitrogen. Biosolids also contain trace minerals that are beneficial as well.
It is important to remember that we apply liquid biosolids, meaning your field is receiving water as well.
What is the process we use for creating biosolids to be land applied?
The Nixa Wastewater Treatment Facility uses microorganisms to break down organic and reduce pathogens and pollutants.
Biosolids production and its application to the land are highly regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Missouri Department of Natural Resources.
What are the buffer zones of applying biosolids?
Biosolids must be applied 300ft. from wells, ponds, lakes, and rivers; 150ft. from dwellings; and 50ft from property lines.
Will biosolids harm my livestock or crops?
The nutrients that biosolids provide can be extremely beneficial for the soil and your plants/crops. Biosolids don’t harm livestock, but we ask that you wait 30 days before cutting hay or grazing livestock.